Day Four

Determine your short-term and long-term business objectives and break them down into specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) targets.

Lesson 4: setting goals and objectives

Setting goals and objectives on paper provides clarity, focus, organization, accountability, and facilitates effective communication and collaboration.

Documenting your ideas on paper or other reference-able form enhances your ability to visualize, prioritize, measure progress, and reflect on your aspirations.

By externalizing your thoughts, you also increase your commitment and take tangible steps towards turning your ideas into reality

Tasks: Day Four

Ideas for setting goals and objectives:

1 Define three to five specific and measurable short-term goals (e.g., acquire 100 email subscribers, generate $1,000 in revenue) to achieve within the next three months.

2 Break down each short-term goal into smaller action steps or milestones

3 Set at least one long-term goal (e.g., achieve a sustainable monthly income of $5,000) and create a timeline with intermediate milestones to track progress.

Set and define objectives:

You will likely have an objective behind your goals. For example in the case of acquiring 100 email subscribers; may have the objective to build a means, that you own, for growing and contacting your customers or audience direct. This may also be so you can save on advertising costs.