Day Three

A business plan provides a detailed overview of your business and how it intends to function and remain sustainable.

A business plan is also useful for investors and acquiring loans, as it also provides financial details of how a business is expected to progress towards becoming profitable.

Lesson 3: develop a business plan

Here you will determine what it is you need to be up and running as an individual, side-hustle,  or full-time business.

Tasks: Day Three

Ideas for gathering data from your research:

1 Write a concise executive summary that outlines your business concept, target market, and unique value proposition.

2 Define your marketing strategies, including channels (e.g., social media, content marketing) and tactics (e.g., influencer partnerships, SEO)..

3 Create a financial forecast that includes startup costs, monthly expenses, pricing strategy, and revenue projections for the first year

4 Outline your operational plan, including inventory management, order fulfillment, and customer support processes.



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