Web3 refers to the third generation of the internet that is envisioned to be decentralized, providing more control to users over their data and online interactions. It aims to move away from the current model where central authorities, like tech companies, have significant power and control.

Here are some key aspects related to web decentralization and tools used:

  1. Decentralization Principles:
  2. Decentralized Identity:
  3. Interoperability:
  4. Tools for Web Decentralization:
  5. Building a Decentralized Property:

It's important to note that building a decentralized property involves legal considerations and compliance with regulations. Consulting legal experts familiar with blockchain and property laws is crucial.

Given your background as a UK-based business owner, ensuring compliance with local regulations and incorporating blockchain solutions into existing legal frameworks will be key. Additionally, sharing insights and educational content on LinkedIn about the benefits and challenges of decentralized properties could contribute to your profile as an expert in the field.