Imagine you go to a car showroom with the expectation to buy a new car and drive home.

After paying the advertised price for the car, the sales person says to you;

“Thank you for your purchase sir, we’ll prepare your sale within an hour. Please take a seat.”

After half an hour the sales person reappears and leads you to the front of the showroom where your newly purchased car awaits . However, you note that the car has no wheels. And so you ask the sales person.

“Where are the wheels? How am I going to drive home?”

The Sales person responds “Sir, the car doesn’t come with wheels, we leave that option to our customers. Would you like to select from our range of wheels?”

Flabbergasted by the response, you pull out your credit card once again and calmly ask for the same wheels as previously displayed.

The sales person responds “No problem Sir. Can I also interest you in our special discounted brakes?”

With a frown, however still maintaining your calm, you ask, “How much is that in total?”

The sales person presents a small book and flicks through the pages and with a pointing finger responds, “Ahh, for wheels with brakes, that’s an additional £2,500”

In a calm, but obviously irritated voice, you reply, “Okay”

The sales person produces a series of hand gestures to a colleague in the distance. To which a repeated gesture is returned.

“This way Sir…” The sales person says, pointing towards a glass door to a room where other people where apparently also waiting to be served.

“Take a seat. Someone will take your order shortly