What is the Printful Growth membership?

The Printful Growth Membership is a program offered by Printful, a print-on-demand and customer fulfilment company.

The membership is designed to help businesses and entrepreneurs grow their online stores by providing various benefits and resources.

Here are just some of the key features of the Printful Growth Membership:

1. Discounted pricing: Members receive discounted pricing on all products offered by Printful. This allows members to increase their profit margins and remain competitive in the market.

2. Priority access to new features: Growth members get early access to new features and updates released by Printful. This ensures that members can stay ahead of the competition and take advantage of the latest tools and technologies.

3. Dedicated account manager: Each Growth member is assigned a dedicated account manager who can provide personalized assistance and support. This account manager can help with any questions or issues related to Printful’s services and can offer guidance on how to optimize your store for growth.

4. Exclusive content and resources: Growth members have access to exclusive content, such as webinars, tutorials, and guides, that can help them improve their business strategies and marketing efforts. These resources are designed to provide valuable insights and tips for growing an online store.

5. Priority support: Growth members receive priority support, which means their inquiries and requests are given top priority by Printful’s customer support team. This ensures that any issues or concerns are addressed promptly and efficiently.

6. Quarterly consultations: Members can schedule quarterly consultations with their dedicated account manager to discuss their business goals, strategies, and any challenges they may be facing. These consultations provide an opportunity to receive personalized advice and recommendations for growing your online store.

Printful Growth membership

Are You Ready to Boost Your Print-on-Demand Project?

The membership is suitable for businesses that are looking to scale their operations and take advantage of the various benefits and resources offered by Printful.

The Printful Growth Membership is designed to be the catalyst that helps kickstart your POD business by offering you products and services at lower prices, allowing you to make greater profits. This may encourage you to explore more features and present your design as  a more coherent brand for your audience.

However, to truly take advantage of the Printful Growth Membership, there are a few things you should consider. The first thing to consider is whether you are prepared to invest $24.99 a month in your print-on-demand project during the growth phase of your business.

Why Printful Growth?

You see, as a Printful Growth member, you will receive product discounts of up to 30% and 7% off branding placements, like inside labels and sleeve prints.

Eventually, members are expected to outgrow the volume of the Printful Growth membership, after which you will automatically be upgraded to the Printful Business membership.

PRINTFUL GROWTH (with a 14-day free trial)