Essential keyboard shortcuts for PC users:

To type this symbol Press this on your keyboard Description
Alt+0153 Trademark
© Alt+0169 Copyright
® Alt+0174 Registered
Alt+0137 Per mille (per thousand)
± Alt+241 Plus or Minus
¼ Alt+0188 Quarter
½ Alt+0189 Half
¾ Alt+0190 Three quarters
Alt+240 Exactly Identical
Alt+247 Approximately equal
Alt+242 Greater than or equal
Alt+243 Less than or equal
Alt+251 Square Root
Alt+252 Power n
¹ Alt+0185 To the power of 1
² Alt+0178 Squared
³ Alt+0179 Cubed
π Alt+227 Pi
° Alt+248 Degree
Alt+2368 Infinity
µ Alt+230 Micro
Σ Alt+228 Sum
Alt+1 White Smiley
Alt+2 Black Smiley
Alt+7 Bullet 1
Alt+9 Bullet 2
Alt+11 Male Sign
Alt+12 Female Sign
Alt+23 Up/Down Arrow
Alt+24 Up Arrow
Alt+25 Down Arrow
Alt+26 Right Arrow
Alt+27 Left Arrow
Alt+29 Right/Left Arrow
£ Alt+156 Pound
Alt+0128 Euro
$ Alt+36 Dollar Sign
¢ Alt+155 Cent
¥ Alt+157 Yen
ƒ Alt+159 Frank
Alt+158 Peseta
α 6Alt+224 Alpha
ß 6Alt+225 Beta
δ Alt+235 Delta
Ω Alt+234 Omega
Alt+16 Point Right
Alt+17 Point Left
Alt+254 Stop
Alt+30 Point Up
Alt+31 Point Down
§ Alt+21 Section
Alt+20 Paragraph
Alt+0147 Curly double open quote
Alt+0148 Curly double close quote
« Alt+174 Quotation Mark
» Alt+175 Quotation Mark
Alt+3 Heart
º Alt+0176 Degree symbol
œ Alt+0156 Latin small ligature oe
Alt+0149 Bullet
Alt+8635 Clockwise Open Circle Arrow
Alt+31 Counterclockwise Open Circle Arrow
Ø Alt+0216 Diameter
Ñ Alt+0209 Enye


Official Notion Site

Official Notion Site

“Bringing ideas to life is the challenge creators face on almost every project. At dmfinder not only do we inspire creators with tips and creative resource. We inspire by example…”