
Hi, this is a message on behalf of Freddy...

While we may have been able to get Freddy AI to help write this post, we didn't feel it would be appropriate, given the potential conflict of interest. Anyway...

What is Freddy AI? Freddy AI is an artificial intelligence-powered assistant developed by Freshworks that simplifies the challenge of managing multiple activities and performing various tasks simultaneously. Freddy AI serves as the "Omnibot" AI engine behind Freshworks' Customer Support Software Suite and plays a pivotal role in enhancing general customer support, sales, and marketing processes.

For an enhanced and intuitive experience for both users and end-users, currently available in beta, you can enable Freddy AI's sales and marketing enhancements from your Freshworks Admin dashboard by simply selecting a desired option or solution from the Support Operations tab.

From here, you can select "Apps" to access and install, for example, the Freddy Reporting App, which you can use to measure customer experience performance.

Now, besides the Reporting App, you'll probably also appreciate the Freddy AI Marketing tool for creating and launching email campaigns.

What Else Can Freddy AI Do For You? Tailored to work quietly in the background, Freddy AI takes care of the typically repetitive and time-consuming tasks that many businesses deal with daily in terms of customer support and relationship management.

Freddy AI conveniently allows you to access and analyze data from various sources, including customer inquiries, support tickets, chat interactions, and sales leads.

Freddy AI Benefits Freddy AI uses machine learning algorithms and natural language processing (NLP) to understand and interpret customer interactions.

Providing you with the opportunity to get creative, Freddy AI also has the capability to process large volumes of unstructured data, such as chat conversations and email correspondence, enabling you to generate intelligently desired or personalized action points, as well as insights.

Smart Suggestions In addition to the already described usefulness of Freddy AI, it provides real-time suggestions and recommendations to support agents and sales representatives.

These suggestions can include template responses, knowledge base articles, and cross-selling or upselling opportunities, helping agents provide better and faster service.