Written for: www.software-folder.com

Date: 11 August 2023

Release Date: 16 August 2023

Author: Brian Francis

Further info: Skylum software



Skylum is once again in the forefront of making sophisticated image editing chores as simple as a click or drag. This time, Luminar Neo has be supercharged with an astounding assortment of new AI-assistive capabilities meant to simplify photographers' issues with scene manipulation, deleting undesired items, widening a photo's canvas, and more.

To whet your appetite, let me say that this is a huge new step for Luminar, with Generative AI serving as a cornerstone technology. Are you starting to get a sense of where this is going?

Yes, Luminar Neo is better than ever, but keep in mind that it will not shoot amazing images for you or come up with fresh creative ideas for.



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