by Skylum software.

Skylum is once again in the forefront of making sophisticated picture editing chores as simple as a click or drag. This time, with an astounding assortment of new AI-assistive capabilities meant to simplify photographers' issues with scene alteration, deleting undesired items, widening a photo's canvas, and more.

To whet your appetite, let me say that this is a huge new step for Luminar, with Generative AI serving as a cornerstone technology. Are you starting to get a sense of where this is going?

Well. I might go on to add that Luminar Neo gives professional photographers and photo artists the greatest cutting-edge capabilities in a sleek, uncluttered, and simple-to-use interface. But you've probably heard it all before,

Yes, Luminar Neo is better than it has ever been, but remember, Luminar will not take exceptional photos for you, nor will it think up new creative ideas for you.

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