Written for: www.software-folder.com

Release Date: 18 November 2019

Author: Brian Francis

Further info: Skylum software

Revolutionizing Photo Editing

with Skylum's Luminar 4

A Deep Dive into AI-Powered Features


In the dynamic world of photography, the art of capturing moments has evolved hand in hand with the technology used to enhance and perfect those moments. Photo editing has undergone a transformative journey, with advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) opening up a new realm of possibilities.


At the forefront of this revolution stands Skylum's Luminar 4, a powerhouse photo editing tool that harnesses AI and machine learning to create awe-inspiring images. In this blog post, we'll delve into the groundbreaking features of Luminar 4 and how they have redefined the way we approach photo editing.

AI Sky Replacement:

Transforming Landscapes with a Single Click

One of the standout features of Luminar 4 is its AI Sky Replacement tool. Say goodbye to dull and lifeless skies in your photos! With just a single click, Luminar 4's AI analyzes your image and seamlessly replaces the sky, instantly transforming the mood and ambiance. Whether you desire a vibrant sunset, a clear blue sky, or a dramatic stormy backdrop, Luminar 4's AI Sky Replacement makes it possible.

AI Skin Enhancer and Portrait Enhancer:

Elevating Portraiture

Capturing the essence of a subject's personality requires more than just a click of the shutter. Luminar 4's AI Skin Enhancer and Portrait Enhancer tools elevate portrait editing to a whole new level. These AI-powered features intelligently detect skin tones and textures, allowing you to enhance every nuance flawlessly. From skin smoothing to teeth whitening and eye enhancement, Luminar 4 empowers photographers to bring out the best in their subjects.

AI Structure and Enhance:

Detail and Drama in Perfect Harmony

Detail and drama are essential elements that can make or break an image. Luminar 4's AI Structure tool enhances textures and details in a natural and balanced manner. By utilizing advanced algorithms, this feature ensures that intricate elements such as buildings and landscapes pop, without compromising the overall quality of the image. Moreover, the AI Enhance feature simplifies the editing process with a single slider, giving you the power to enhance color, tone, and details effortlessly.