NFT Artwork & The Blockchain 101

An Introduction to NFT Art.

As a programmable digital artwork connected to a blockchain, NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) have revolutionized the way we perceive and trade art in the digital age.

NFTs represent unique ownership of a digital asset, often art or collectibles, using blockchain technology to ensure authenticity, provenance, and scarcity.

Creating an NFT involves minting, a process where an artist converts their artwork into a one-of-a-kind digital token on a compatible blockchain platform like Ethereum.

This tokenization process imbues the artwork with a digital certificate of ownership, allowing artists to maintain control over their creations and establish a traceable history of ownership.

Understanding NFTs

I think, for a better understanding of the practical possible uses of NFT Art and blockchain technology, it may require you to first try ignoring the association with currency (just for a while).

And instead, think more about how to incorporate NFT Art into resolving real problems or finding better ways of doing things.

If you are already in the business of producing artwork, it is very likely that your business can benefit from the use of blockchain technology.

Why NFTs?

NFTs can be bought, sold, and traded on NFT marketplaces, providing artists with an innovative channel for sharing and monetizing their work while ensuring the integrity and protection of their creative endeavors.

Gas Fees and The Environment

When we use cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, there’s something called “gas fees” that we pay to process transactions. So when minting NFT artwork you may also be asked to pay gas fees or maybe some other fee by the time you’ve read this.

These fees help keep the system running, but they use a lot of energy. Right now, people are worried about how much energy crypto mining uses and how it affects the environment. So, if we’re paying really high gas fees, it might be like we’re adding to the environmental problems.

NFTs & How They Work.