What People Think About AI

Conversation about AI Generated Art:

There is a wide range of perspectives on generative AI art, with varying opinions. Understandably, concerns are often raised by illustrators and artists regarding the implications of AI-generated art. They argue that true art involves the expression of internal emotions through external forms, and simply pressing a button to generate an image does not qualify as an authentic creative process.

These individuals also worry about the potential devaluation of the skill of illustration brought about by AI.

On the other hand, there are academics and professionals who perceive AI as a tool that can augment their own creativity and imagination.

While they acknowledge that AI might struggle to produce what more easily can be considered as truly original works, they believe it can be valuable in commercial genres where harnessing recognizable styles may be of significance.

Furthermore, a survey reveals that an influential portion of creators already utilize generative AI, with 29% incorporating it into their creative process and 14% using it in their actual work.

This suggests that generative AI has already become an integral part of certain creative professions.

Additionally, there are polls [ https://pro.morningconsult.com/analysis/generative-ai-fans-public-trust Generative AI Wins Some Early Fans But Is Missing Public Trust (morningconsult.com)]  that indicate that a majority of Americans, including workers in healthcare, design, engineering, and finance/accounting, believe that their industries have more to gain than to lose from the use of generative AI tools, with 52% viewing platforms like chatbots as more than just a passing trend. In conclusion, while some individuals perceive generative AI art as a threat to traditional art and creativity, others view it as a valuable tool that can enhance their work.

The ongoing debate surrounding this technology will continue to evolve as it progresses.

[ Opinions on generative AI art vary significantly, encompassing a range of perspectives. Illustrators and artists express concerns regarding the implications of AI-generated art, contending that true art involves the translation of internal emotions into external forms, and merely pressing a button to generate an image does not constitute a genuine creative process. PREVIOUS ]


Yes, there are polls that indicate that a majority of Americans, including workers in healthcare, design, engineering, and finance/accounting, believe that their industries have more to gain than to lose from the use of generative AI tools.

A Morning Consult poll conducted in February found that a majority (52 percent) of Americans think that generative AI platforms like chatbots are not a fad, and majorities of workers in health care, design, engineering, and finance/accounting said that their industry has more to gain from the use of generative AI tools than to lose1.

Moreover, most respondents (63%) in a survey reported that generative AI tools have positively impacted their productivity23. However, it’s important to note that public attitudes towards AI continue to evolve, and there are still concerns about issues such as job loss, privacy, and the potential for AI to surpass human skills45.