Customer rights are the statutory rights (put into practice by law) that all consumers have when they purchase goods or services. These rights are designed to protect the consumer from being exploited by businesses.

Customer, or consumer rights include:

  1. The Right to Safety: Products or services sold must not pose any risk to the consumer's health or safety.

  2. The Right to Be Informed: Consumers have the right to receive accurate and clear information about a product or service before deciding to purchase.

  3. The Right to Choose: Consumers should have a variety of products and services at competitive prices.

  4. The Right to Be Heard: If a consumer is dissatisfied with a product or service, they have the right to complain and have their concerns addressed.

  5. The Right to Redress: If a product or service does not meet the expected standards, consumers have the right to seek compensation or a refund.

  6. The Right to Consumer Education: Consumers should have access to programs and information that help them make informed market decisions.

  7. The Right to a Healthy Environment: Businesses should conduct themselves in an environmentally friendly manner to promote sustainable development.

Understanding these rights is crucial for consumers to make informed decisions and protect themselves in the marketplace.