PDF Draft 2.


From the minute you publicly launch a business or merely publish a piece of content, you open a door for opportunity.

Opportunity to gain a new customer, an opportunity to receive admiration or loathing, and an opportunity to go viral.

The level of success you receive for sharing your content depends on a number of factors, some of which you may have no control over – your customers.

Your Unpredictable Customers -

Examples of some of the things that you have no control over and what you should ask yourself.

Question 1: What are some examples of things that you have no control over when it comes to your unpredictable customers?

Answer: Some examples of things that you have no control over when it comes to your unpredictable customers include audience preferences, platform algorithms, timing and competition, virality and word-of-mouth, and external events and circumstances.

Question 2: How does audience preferences affect the success of your content?

Answer: The success of your content depends on whether it resonates with your target audience. Their preferences, interests, and needs play a crucial role in determining the level of success you receive. While you can try to understand your audience through research and analysis, their preferences may change over time, making it a factor beyond your control.

Question 3: What role do platform algorithms play in determining the visibility and reach of your content?

Answer: Different platforms, such as social media or search engines, use algorithms to determine the visibility and reach of your content. These algorithms take into account various factors like engagement, relevance, and user behavior. While you can optimize your content to align with these algorithms, the exact workings and updates of these algorithms are beyond your control.

Question 4: How does timing and competition impact the success of your content?

Answer: The timing of when you share your content can impact its success. Factors like current trends, seasonality, or the presence of competing content can affect how your audience engages with your content. While you can try to strategize and plan for optimal timing, external factors and the actions of competitors are beyond your control.

Question 5: What factors contribute to the viral nature of content?