Direct mail and email marketing.

As a prerequisite of Internet marketing, email marketing has evolved from traditional methods of direct mail, which were often costly, time-consuming, and lacked the immediacy and measurability of today's online communication channels.

However, the concept of having a direct means of communicating with an audience that has subscribed to, or shown interest in what you offer remains a strong and valid marketing strategy.

Direct mail involves sending physical promotional materials, such as postcards, brochures, catalogues, or letters, directly to potential customers via postal mail. This marketing method typically requires compiling mailing lists, designing and printing materials, and paying for postage.

Now, while direct mail can effectively target specific demographics and geographic areas, its drawbacks include high costs, long lead times, and limited measurability. Additionally, direct mail campaigns often have lower response rates compared to digital marketing channels, making it challenging to assess their effectiveness accurately.

Overall, email marketing is like direct mail marketing but faster and more affordable. And it is something that most of us can readily implement in our small or large businesses.

Email marketing is for everyone.

Fortunately, due to the internet, the deployment of Email Marketing has become a lot more accessible to independent individuals and small businesses alike. By incorporating a wide and varying range of different perspectives from individuals and small businesses that would have otherwise not been privy to the opportunities the internet presents. Email marketing is one of the techniques that has evolved from traditional marketing and has, throughout time, maintained its status as a prudent and reliable technique.

This accessibility has democratised marketing efforts, allowing even those with limited resources to leverage the power of email to reach and engage with their audience. Moreover, the internet has facilitated the evolution of email marketing by providing advanced tools, analytics, and platforms that streamline the process and enhance effectiveness. This accessibility has fostered innovation and creativity, as businesses of all sizes can experiment with different strategies and approaches to find what works best for their unique needs and objectives.

Despite facing criticism, scepticism, and occasional incidents of email-related scams, email marketing remains a valid and valuable marketing technique for several reasons.

Firstly, it offers unparalleled reach and scalability, allowing businesses to connect with a global audience instantly.

Secondly, email marketing provides a direct line of communication with customers, enabling personalised and targeted messaging that fosters engagement and loyalty.

Additionally, email marketing boasts an impressive ROI (Return on Investment) compared to other marketing channels, making it a cost-effective option for businesses of all sizes.

Finally, email marketing's measurability and analytics capabilities allow for continuous improvement and optimisation, ensuring that campaigns deliver results and drive business growth over time.

Overall, while email marketing may have its challenges, its enduring effectiveness and adaptability demonstrate its enduring value in the modern marketing landscape.

Email Marketing Automation

Early popular email marketing providers, such as Aweber, Constant Contact, and Mailchimp, emerged between the 1990s and 2000, introducing users to perhaps their first experiences deploying automation with the help of email autoresponders.